

The Coat of Arms of Spain

Coat of Arms of Spain

Flag of Spain

Flag of Spain

Territorial Administration

map spain

The Kingdom of Spain is a unitary state, with its territorial unit called an autonomous community (comunidad autónoma). There are a total of 17 autonomous communities in Spain:

  1. Andalusia
  2. Valencia
  3. Catalonia
  4. The Madrid Region â—¦ City of Madrid
  5. Navarre
  6. Asturias
  7. Aragon
  8. Galicia
  9. Cantabria
  10. Castile and León
  11. Castile-La Mancha
  12. Murcia
  13. La Rioja
  14. Basque Country
  15. Extremadura
  16. Balearic Islands
    • Ibiza
    • Majorca
    • Menorca
    • Formentera
  17. Canary Islands
    • Tenerife
    • Gran Canaria
    • La Gomera
    • Lanzarote
    • Fuerteventura
    • El Hierro

These are further divided into 50 provinces (provincias) and 2 autonomous cities. Municipalities play an important role in Spain’s administrative structure, legally defined as the primary subject of the territorial organization of the state. There are a total of 8,124 municipalities in the country. The capital of Spain is Madrid, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the world. It is located in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula. This city impresses with its harmonious combination of modernity and medieval architecture. Madrid attracts tourists with famous museums, beautiful parks, palaces, and the most impressive squares in Spain. The geographical center of Spain is located 10 km from Madrid, near Getafe on the Hill of Angels.


Spain is a state located on the Iberian Peninsula, also owning the Canary archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, the Balearic archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, and the cities of Melilla and Ceuta in North Africa. The area of Spain is 505.9 thousand square kilometers. Spain’s territory is separated from the rest of Europe by a mountain range, having land borders with Portugal, along the ridge of the Pyrenees with France, in the northeast with Andorra, and in the south with Gibraltar. Spain’s coast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.


The Kingdom of Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe. Where is Spain on the world map? Looking at the map, one can easily find it in the southeastern part of Europe. Traveling through this fascinating country is impossible without a map of Spain. It will be useful for independent trips by public transport or hitchhiking. A detailed map of Spain will help you choose the right direction and not get lost in the bustling streets of tourist cities. Motorists will definitely need a road map of Spain. Before traveling, download an electronic map of Spain with cities you want to visit, such as Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, but do not neglect a regular paper version.

Time Zone When traveling, it’s important to consider the time difference in Spain. The territory of Spain is located in two time zones: UTC and UTC+1. Now, time in Spain is shifted twice: at the end of March and October. Almost the entire country lives by Central European Time UTC+1 and Central European Summer Time UTC+2. The exception is the Canary Islands, which operate on Western European Time UTC+0 and Western European Summer Time UTC+1.

Provinces of Spain

Time Zone

Traveling to Spain: A Time Zone Guide for a Carefree Vacation

Spain is located in the Central European Time Zone (CET), also known as GMT+1. This means it’s an hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, making Spain an ideal destination for those looking to make the most of daylight hours in their travels.

Daylight Saving Time: From the last week of March to the last week of October, Spain switches to daylight saving time (CEST), moving to GMT+2. This shift occurs simultaneously with other European Union countries, facilitating the synchronization and simplification of planning international meetings and events.

Diverse Time Zones:

  • The Canary Islands operate on their own time, at GMT-1, offering a unique pace of life in the archipelago.
  • The Balearic Islands, like most of Spain, follow CET (GMT+1), ensuring harmonious vacation times on its beaches and cities.

Trip Preparation: It’s essential to consider time zones when booking flights and organizing activities. Use online time converters to accurately determine the time in different regions of Spain, especially if your itinerary includes visits to the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Tips for a Comfortable Stay:

  • Adjust your watches to Spain’s local time as soon as you arrive to better synchronize with the new schedule.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining a rest regimen helps ease the adaptation to the time change.
  • For those who have trouble sleeping, try to stick to your usual daily routine as much as possible and consider using sleep aids like eye masks or earplugs.

These recommendations will help you avoid the stress associated with time changes and fully enjoy your stay in sunny Spain.

Standard Time Zones of the World


Spain is a popular tourist country, largely due to its warm climate. The weather in Spain is pleased with a large number of sunny days, averaging about 285. The climate in different regions varies significantly. This is explained by the fact that the country is located in several climatic zones:

  • Mediterranean dry
  • Mediterranean continental
  • Mediterranean maritime. Spain is characterized by a rather warm winter and hot summer, but there are exceptions, for example, the weather on the Canary Islands is warm all year round. Winter in Spain (December, January, February) is warm, but the air temperature differs in different regions. On the Mediterranean coast, it’s warm in winter, the air heats up to comfortable +15-18°C, in the central part it’s much colder, the thermometer can drop to +2°C, or even below zero. It’s also cold in the mountainous areas in winter. Summer in Spain (June, July, August) is usually hot, on the Mediterranean coast the temperature reaches +40°C and above. In the north, it’s cooler in summer — about +25°C. In the central part, summer is hot and dry, but nights are cool.


The population of Spain is 48.592 million people (as of 2023). By population, Spain ranks fifth in Europe. The most people live in Catalonia (7.5 million people) and Andalusia (8.4 million people). The most populous cities in Spain are Madrid (3.233 million people) and Barcelona (1.620 million people). Spain is multinational, with Spaniards, Catalans, Basques, Galicians, Valencians, Asturians, Aragonese living on its territory. The official language in Spain is Spanish (Castilian), known by all residents of the country. But along with it, national languages are actively used. In 6 autonomous regions, a second official language is used alongside Spanish. About 9% of the population speaks Catalan, 5% Galician, 1% Basque. Catalan and its dialects are used in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands. Spain is a secular country, but the role of religion is historically very strong. The main religion in Spain is Catholicism, professed by 99% of the population. Many traditional holidays in the country are associated with religion.


The education system in Spain is not much different from other European countries. It includes preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education. Primary education (from 6 to 12 years old) and basic secondary education (12-16 years old) are compulsory. You can enter a university having a full secondary education. After finishing school, students take an exam, based on the results of which one can enter a university. In Spain, there are state, private, and religious universities.


Spain is one of the oldest European states, already Phoenicians and Carthaginians called this region Spania. The first mentions of culture on the Iberian coast date back to the 2nd millennium BC. During this period, the Tartessos civilization actively traded metal with the Phoenicians. Throughout the 2nd millennium BC, these territories were gradually settled by Iberian tribes that came here from North Africa. The peninsula was named after them. Iberians were farmers, bred livestock, hunted, and mastered the art of making weapons and tools from copper and bronze. They also had their writing, inherited from the Tartessians. At the beginning of the 1st millennium, Iberians were colonized by Celtic tribes. A new people appeared – Celtiberians.

At the same time, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, Phoenicians founded the city of Cadiz, and on the coast of Africa – the state of Carthage. After 680 BC, Carthage became an important trading center. In 237-21 BC, the southern and eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula was subjugated by Carthage. But already in 210 BC, these lands were conquered by the Romans. The exception is the land of the Basques, they were never conquered, which is reflected in their language, it has nothing in common with the Latin group of languages.

The conquest of the Iberian Peninsula took the Romans almost 200 years, Spain became the second most important center of the Roman Empire after Italy. During this period, the peoples inhabiting the peninsula came under the full influence of the Romans. But along with the Romans came their civilization, roads, aqueducts, bridges, theaters, hippodromes, seaports were built. Trade, agriculture, craftsmanship developed. A significant number of cities were built. In the 5th century, the Romans were defeated by the Visigoths, and in the 8th century, they, in turn, were defeated by the Arabs. Arab rule lasted a very long time, from 718 began the period of the Reconquista, the war for the reconquest of Spanish lands from the Arabs. The Reconquista lasted for seven centuries. The Spanish state was restored only in 1479.

The 15th century was a period of revival and development of the country. At this time, Spain successfully waged colonial wars in America, conquering new lands. But from the 17th century began the decline, associated with economic problems and the activity of the Inquisition. The 19th century was also not calm, the country experienced several revolutions. The population wanted to reduce the influence of the church and get rid of the remnants of feudalism. This led to the introduction of a constitutional monarchy. During this period, American colonies were lost, the Spanish Empire ceased to exist.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Spain was torn apart by internal problems, nationalists fought with adherents of Catholicism. This struggle led to a civil war that lasted three years and brought General Franco to power. His dictatorship lasted until 1975. It was a very difficult period in the history of Spain. The first democratic elections were held in 1977, a year later the constitution was adopted.

Government Structure and Politics in Spain

Spain is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, which provides a unique blend of monarchical stability and parliamentary democracy. The country’s governance is based on the separation of powers: executive, legislative, and judicial, contributing to balance and control within the political system.

Executive Power

At the top of the executive branch is the King, who performs ceremonial and representative functions. However, real political power is concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister, who leads the government. The Prime Minister and their cabinet of ministers are responsible for the daily management of the country, policy development, and law implementation.

Legislative Power

The legislative power in Spain is bicameral, represented by the Cortes Generales, which consists of two chambers: the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. These bodies are responsible for drafting, discussing, and passing laws. The Congress of Deputies plays a key role in the legislative process, while the Senate mainly performs advisory functions.

Judicial Power

The judiciary system in Spain is independent and ensures fair and impartial justice. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the country, dealing with cases of national significance. A system of courts at different levels handles civil, criminal, administrative, and other cases.

Political Parties and Elections

Spain’s political scene is diverse, with numerous parties reflecting a wide range of opinions and interests in society. Elections to the Cortes Generales are held every four years and determine the composition of the legislative body, as well as the political direction of the country.

Regional Governance

Special attention in Spain is paid to regional governance, acknowledging the uniqueness and autonomy of its regions. Autonomous communities have their own parliaments and governments, responsible for a range of local governance issues, such as education, healthcare, and transport.

Overall, the structure of governance and politics in Spain reflects a commitment to democracy, respect for diversity, and the protection of rights and freedoms of every citizen. A balanced system of power contributes to stability and development, making Spain one of the key players on the international stage.


The culture of Spain is one of the richest and most original. Thanks to its geographical location, Spain has absorbed cultural traditions of Africa, northern and southern Europe, Mediterranean countries. The formation of Spanish culture was influenced by civilizations of the Paleolithic era, Romans, Phoenicians, Visigoths, Arabs. It is impossible to imagine the culture of Spain without such unique phenomena as bullfighting and flamenco. They accompany many traditional folk holidays and have become the country’s calling card. The Spanish school of painting is also known, this country has given the world many famous artists: Pablo Picasso, El Greco, Velasquez, Jose Ribera, Salvador Dali, Francisco Goya, Murillo, and others.


The attractions of Spain in photos amaze with their beauty. And reality exceeds expectations. On the territory of the country, ancient caves with rock paintings, amphitheaters and theaters built by ancient Romans, Renaissance cathedrals, exquisite Moorish palaces, and delightful modernist architecture have been preserved. Spanish castles, most of which were built as defensive structures, are also worthy of attention. Many castles have been well preserved to this day and are open to tourists. Lorca Castle, Coca Castle, La Mota Castle, Bellver, Delos Mendoza Castle, Alcazar de Segovia Castle, and the most famous Spanish castle located in Granada – Alhambra, are different from each other and worth seeing.


Spaniards love to have fun and know how to organize holidays for any reason. Holidays in Spain almost never stop, some are celebrated for one day, others for weeks. Traditions and folk holidays differ in different regions, each province and municipality has its own festive reasons, which are celebrated with folk festivities, religious processions, or carnivals. All holidays in Spain can be divided into three groups: religious, state, folk. In total, there may be 14 public holidays a year, 9 of which are allocated for state dates and at least 2 holidays can be of local significance. In addition to the traditional New Year, Christmas, Easter, in Spain, there are many unusual holiday dates. So on August 15, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated, on this day parades, solemn processions, theatrical acts are organized. One of the most significant events of the year is the Day of Spain, which is celebrated on October 12. The holiday is dedicated to the discovery of America by Columbus. This day is celebrated in all Spanish-speaking countries. Another national-scale holiday is held annually on December 8, it is organized in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the patroness of Spain. In winter, carnivals traditionally take place in different regions of Spain and in the capital.


Transport in Spain is well developed, you can travel around the country quite comfortably by public transport. Usually, the acquaintance begins with the air gates of the country, there are about 150 airports here. The largest international airports in Spain are located in: Alicante, Barcelona, Ibiza, Madrid, Tenerife, Majorca, Girona, Malaga, Bilbao, Seville, Gran Canaria. Within cities, it is convenient to move around on buses, trams, and the metro, as well as on trains running within the city. The transport system of Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and other popular tourist cities is well adapted for visiting the main attractions. Inter-city trips are convenient to make by buses and suburban trains. They are comfortable and relatively inexpensive. Traveling around Spain by car is convenient, thanks to excellent roads, well-developed infrastructure for motorists.


Spain is part of the European Union, its economy is the fifth largest in the EU and the 12th in the world. The official currency of Spain is the euro. The most economically developed regions of Spain are Catalonia, Navarre, the Basque Country, and Madrid. In other regions, the main profit is brought by agriculture, tourism. And another question that usually concerns tourists – which banks are convenient to use in Spain? The reliability of banks is strictly controlled, so in terms of reliability, you can trust all. But, according to the ratings, the most popular are: Santander, BBVA, Caixabank, Bankia, and Popular.


Thanks to its geographical location and mild Mediterranean climate, the country has become one of the leaders in tourism in Europe. The length of the coastline of Spain is 4964 km, so beach tourism is very developed here. Most tourists prefer to relax by the sea and go to the Mediterranean coast of Spain. In the southern part are the famous resorts of Spain: Costa de la Luz, Costa del Sol, Costa de Almería, Costa Cálida, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada. The most popular destination for recreation in Spain is Catalonia, every year at least 30 million tourists come to this region to walk around Barcelona and relax on the best beaches of Spain in Salou, Lloret de Mar, Tarragona. This region is perfect for vacationing in Spain with children, thanks to sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea and a large number of entertainments. Spain is a “child-friendly” country, everyone here is friendly to children, so a vacation with a child will be quite comfortable for children and parents. There are beaches and hotels in Spain for every taste and wallet, the coast is represented by hotels of almost all major hotel chains. Another popular option for recreation is the rental of real estate in Spain.

Features of Recreation

When going shopping, keep in mind that from 13:00 to 16:00 most shops have a siesta break. On Sunday everything is closed, and on Saturday they work until noon. Walking through tourist places, it’s worth carefully watching your belongings to protect yourself from pickpockets. To plan your vacation, you need to know what prices in Spain are for food, alcohol, entertainment. Prices in cafes and restaurants vary depending on the resort and distance from tourist places. In Barcelona, you can have lunch in an inexpensive cafe for 12-20€, a cup of coffee, on average, will cost 1.5-3€, a bottle of water – 1€. On vacation, you can enjoy good alcohol. Spanish wines are known all over the world, prices for a bottle of decent wine start from 3€ if bought in a store. The cost of organized excursions starts from 25 euros per person. Tickets to museums cost 10-30€.

Product Prices

Product Prices in Spain: A Practical Guide for Travelers

Planning a trip to Spain? One of the key aspects of any journey is budgeting, and for that, it’s essential to know the prices of goods in the country. Spain, with its diverse cultures and landscapes, offers a wide range of goods and services for all categories of travelers. Let’s find out what to expect in terms of prices and how to plan your expenses.

Food Essentials

Spain is renowned for its high-quality yet affordable food items. The average cost of dinner in an inexpensive restaurant would be about 10-15 euros per person. Prices in cafes and bars are even more attractive, especially if you take advantage of the “menu of the day” offers. Grocery shopping will also pleasantly surprise you with its variety and prices: for 1-2 euros, you can buy fresh fruits or vegetables per kilogram.

Clothing and Accessories

Spain is a paradise for shopping enthusiasts. Here, you can find stores of well-known European brands, as well as numerous boutiques and outlets. Prices for clothing and accessories vary depending on the brand and location of the store, but overall, the offerings remain attractive for different categories of buyers. The average price range for clothes starts from 20 euros and up.

Souvenirs and Gifts

Don’t leave Spain without traditional souvenirs! Prices for gifts and memorabilia, such as Spanish wine, olive oil, flamenco accessories, can range from a few euros to hundreds for exclusive handmade items. At local markets and small shops, you can find interesting options at more than reasonable prices.


The public transportation system in Spain is efficient and affordable. A ticket for the metro or bus in major cities will cost about 1-2 euros. For long-distance travel within the country, it’s recommended to use rail or bus services; prices will depend on the distance and class of comfort.

Conclusion – Product Prices

Spain offers a rich selection of goods and services for all tastes and budgets. Knowing the average prices, you can effectively plan your expenses and avoid unforeseen costs. Enjoy your trip, explore, try new things, and don’t forget about the local delicacies that will make your journey unforgettable!


Spain is a beautiful hospitable country with a large number of resorts. Spaniards love their country and are proud of it. And there are enough reasons for pride – these are the successes of the Spanish national football team, Formula 1, Spanish wine, national cuisine, and even siesta. And there are many reasons why Spain is better than many tourist destinations. Because ideal conditions for recreation are created here. Relaxing on a comfortable equipped beach, you can take a train or bus and in 30-60 minutes find yourself in the city and go on an excursion to local attractions. Spain can organize a vacation for absolutely any taste. If resorts on the continent do not attract, go to Tenerife or Gran Canaria, where the climate is completely different and the nature is fantastic. Those who like to have a good time will be delighted with a vacation in Ibiza, where there is a huge number of nightclubs and discos. Such a variety of types of recreation cannot be offered by any European country, and in combination with low prices and a comfortable climate, the choice is obvious!

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